Computer Fundamentals and Information Technology

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Unit No.



Evolution of Computers:

  • Introduction to computer ⇗ and information technology: Introduction to information technology ☆ Computer definition ☆ functions ☆ characteristics ☆ capabilities and limitations ☆ changed scenerio of computing ☆ applications in today's world.
  • Components of Computer: ⇗
    • Hardware: ⇗(Input devices: keyboard → Mouse → Trackball → Joystick → Digitizing Tablet → Scanners → Digital Camera → MICR → OCR → OMR → Bar-code Reader → Voice Recognition → Light Pen → Touch Screen etc.)
      (Output devices: Printer → Projector → speaker → monitors → plotters etc.)
    • Software: ⇗ System software and application software ☆ Humanware ☆ Functional Block diagram of a computer.
  • Categories of Computers: ⇗ Analog ☆ digital ☆ hybrid ☆ general purpose and special purpose computers ☆ microcomputers ☆ mini computers and super computers.
  • Generation of Computers: ⇗ First ☆ Second ☆ Third ☆ Fourth and Fifth with advantages and disadvantages of each generation.
  • Hardware Organization of a Computer: ⇗ Central Processing Unit (CPU) ☆ CPU Subunits - Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU) ☆Registers ☆ Control Unit (CU).


  • Number Systems: ⇗ Decimal ☆ Binary ☆ Octal and Hexadecimal ☆ r’s, (r-1)’s complements ☆ Conversions of One number system to another ☆ BCD numbers ☆ GRAY code ☆ Conversion from binary to gray code.
  • Data Representation: ⇗ Integer Representation: Signed Magnitude Representation → Signed 1’s Compliment Representation → Signed 2’s compliment → Floating Point representation.
  • Main Memories: ⇗ Cache ☆ RAM - Static → Dynamic ☆ ROM – PROM → EPROM and EEPROM with its uses & capacity and features.
  • Secondary Storage Devices: ⇗ Introduction to Magnetic Tapes ☆ Magnetic Disks - Hard Disk Drives → Floppy Disks ☆ Optical Disks - CD → DVD → Magneto-Optical Disks → Zip Drive and Flash drives.


  • Basic Operating System Concepts: ⇗ MS-DOS with its basic Commands (internal and external) ☆ Managing File and Directories in various operating Systems ☆ WINDOWS ☆ Functional knowledge of these operating systems ☆ role and function of operating system ☆ Types of Operating Systems (general Purpose → Single user → Multi – User → Multi-tasking → Multi-Threading → Batch operating → Time Sharing → Real Time)
  • ROM Software ☆ ROM Startup routines ☆ ROM-BIOS Routines ☆ BOOT TIME process.


  • Introduction to Internet ⇗ : Introduction ☆ History of internet with its uses ☆ advantages and applications ☆ How to Connect to Internet (Dial Up → BroadBand → Lease Line → wi-fi → hot-spot ☆ Devices: Modems → Repeater ☆ Computer network : LAN → WAN → MAN ☆ Network Connecting Devices: Bridges → Routers → Gateways;
  • Internet Services: World Wide Web ☆ Email ☆ USENET ☆ WAIS etc.
  • Concept of Security: ⇗ Introduction to Firewalls ☆ Cyber Laws ☆ Cookies ☆ Hackers and Crackers ☆ Terms of security (Secrecy → Privacy → Authentication → Authorization → Password protection → File Permissions) only Introduction


  • Programming Models ⇗ : Computer Languages ☆ Classification of Computer Languages: Machine Level → Assembly Language → High Level Language ☆ Advantages and Disadvantages of Procedural programming languages ☆ Object Oriented Programming – ADT – classes → objects →4GL – features and advantages.